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Writer's picture: Dr RadhakrishnanDr Radhakrishnan

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Tha Panchama Avarana keerthanam in the series is “SrI kamalAmbikAyAH paraM nahirE rE citta” in ragam Bhairavi and in the panchama vibhakthi (ablative). This krithi refers to the fifth Avarana, BahirdaSAra (outer ten triangle) of Sree Chakra. The Chakra is Sarvartha sAdhakachakra, the ‘accomplisher of all’. The Yogini is Kulotteerna yogini; the Mudra is Sarvonmadini; and the Siddhi is Vashitva. The mental state is Guroopa Sadanam. The presiding deity is Tripura Shri. Her vidya is is Haim Hklim Hsauh. The gem is pearl. The time is lunar day. There are ten Shaktis in this chakra beginning with Sarva Siddhi Pradha Devi. This avarana corresponds to the neck of mother goddess. This avarana which is in the form of a figure with ten corners is called Bahir dasara , the outer ten triangles; and represents ten vital currents (pranas) responsible for the various functions of body and mind. They are also the representations of ten incarnations of Vishnu meant to accomplish welfare of mankind. Hence the chakra is called Sarvartha Sadhaka, the accomplisher of all objects.

“SrI kaNTha vishNu virincAdi janayitryAH

SivAtmaka viSva kartryAH kArayitryAH

(madhyama kAla sAhityam)

SrI-kara bahirdaSAra cakra sthityAH

sEvita bhairavI bhArgavI bhAratyAH


nAda-maya sUkshma rUpa sarva siddhi -

pradAdi daSa SaktyArAdhita mUrtEH

SrOtrAdi daSa karaNAtmaka kuLa -

kauLikAdi bahu vidhOpAsita kIrtEH

abhEda nitya Suddha buddha mukta -

saccidAnanda-maya paramAdvaita sphUrtEH

Adi madhyAnta rahitApramEya

guru guha mOdita sarvArtha sAdhaka pUrtEH

(madhyama kAla sAhityam)

mUlAdi navAdhAra vyAvRtta daSa dhvani -

bhEdajna yOgi bRnda saMrakshaNyAH

anAdi mAyA-avidyA kArya kAraNa vinOda -

karaNa paTu-tara kaTAksha vIkshaNyAH”


“Oh mind, there is nothing other than the glorious Kamalamba, the one who is the essence of all categories from the earth up to Shiva.

She who is creator of Shrikanta, Brahma and others, She who created the universe, which is in essence nothing but Shiva, She is the agent of all actions, resides in the sacred outer Chakra possessing ten triangles, and is served by Bhairavi-Kali, Bhargavi-Lakshmi and Bharati-Saraswati.

She who is of the subtle form Nada and is propitiated by the ten Shaktis, Sarvasiddhiprada, etc. She who is famous for being worshiped in various religious modes, such as Kula and Kaula, as the power identical with the ten sense and motor organs. She who is the manifestation of the supreme non-dual non-differentiated ever pure enlightened and free self, the reality of which is consciousness and bliss. She who is an integral whole without any parts such as the first, middle and the last. She who is knowledgeable and is entertained by Guruguha, She manifests as Sarvartthasadhaka Chakra, achieving all purposes. She who is inherent in the nine centers such as Muladhara, etc. and who, surpassing these, knows how to pierce through the sounds. She who protects the Yogis, Her mere glance is capable of dispelling beginningless delusion and ignorance and the laws of cause and effect.

Muthuswami Dikshitar addresses the Devi as the auspicious one (Shreekara) seated on the Bahirdasara Chakra, served by Bhairavi (Kaali), Bhargavi (Lakshmi) and Bharathi (Saraswathi). The term Bhairavi is also the Raga-mudra, here. (ShrIkara BahirdashAra Chakra SthityAh Sevita Bhairavi BhArgavI BhAratyAh). The shakthis of the avarana are ten in number; and are named Sarva Siddhiprada, Sarva Sampathprada, and Sarva Priyankari and so on. Dikshitar worships the ten manifestations of these shakthis (Sarva SiddhipradAdi Dasha ShaktyArAdhita MUrthe); and describes them as the subtle forms of sounds in the body (NAdamaya Sukshmarupa). The yoginis of the chakra are Kulotteerna yoginis (*please see below) and are also called Kuala yoginis. Dikshitar worships the mother as being present in various forms (Bahuvidhopasthitha) such as the ten yoginis Kula, Kaula and others (Dasha KaranAtmaka Kula KaulikAdi).

Dikshithar describes the fifth avarana Sarvartha Sadhaka, the accomplisher of all objects, in highly lyrical terms. He hails her as the ultimate good (Shiva) and the objective of the Tantra and Vedic rituals alike; and as the supreme non-dual non-differentiated ever pure enlightened free self, consciousness and bliss. She is the incomparable, non-dual being, without an end or beginning. She is loved in devotion by Guruguha; and is manifested in Sarvartha Sadhaka Chakra. She is the sublime inspiration. (Abheda Nitya Shuddha Buddha Mukta SaccidAnandamaya ParamAdvaita Sphurtthe, Adi MadhyAnta RahitAprameya Guruguha Modita Sarva Arttha SAdhaka purtte). She is also present as NAda, sound, in the nine vital centers such as Muladhara and other chakras. She protects yogis; dispels delusion and ignorance. The nine chakras referred to are Muladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, anahata, Vishuddha and ajna; together with manasa chakra (mind centre) situated above ajna, soma chakra (lunar-centre) situated above manasa chakra; and Sahasra padma, symbolically, located above the head. The Sahasra is the seat of consciousness (Siva).

This song is in panchami vibhakthi (ablative case). The basic prose sentence unit (anvaya) is ‘kamalAmbiyAH paraM nahi re, re citta’ (Oh mind, there is nothing greater than Goddess Kamalamba), and all the words ending in ``yAH'' or ``eH'' qualify ``kamalAmbAyAH''. The rAga name Bhairavi is given directly. *The ten shaktis (dasha shakti) referred to here are: sarvasiddhipradA, sarvasampatpradA, sarvapriyaMkarI, sarvama~NgaLakAriNI, sarvakAmapradA, sarvaduHkhavimocanI, mrityuprashamanI, sarvavighnanivariNI, sarvasundarI and sarvasaubhagyadAyinI. These ten shaktis are known as kulottIrNa yoginis. The dashakaraNas are the the ten organs, consisting of the five sense organs (jnAnendriya-s) and the five organs of action (karmendriya-s).

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