Kalanidhi seems to be a raga created by Saint Thyagaraja; among all composers, it seems only he has composed in this raga. The raga, like many others is alive only because of the Thyagaraja krithi; still not much heard in concerts also – almost a forgotten beauty. This raga is a janya of mela (22) ragam Kharaharapriya and keeps all the notes of the janaka ragam in both arohanam and avarohanam. In addition couple of notes appear in the arohanam in vakra also, so that the ragaswaroopa can be seen as:
S R2 G2 M1 S P M1 D2 N2 S // S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S
Ragapravaham gives a slightly different (modified) structure as:
S R2 G2 M1 S P M1 P D2 N2 S // S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S, (with an additional Panchamam in the arohanam)
There are also still different structures seen, like:
S P G2 M1 S P M1 D2 N2 S // S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S
S R2 G2 M1 S M1 P D2 N2 S // S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S
Since it keeps all the notes of the janaka ragam, at many places, it gives the taste also, like in some other rare ragas he has created. It is a doubt for musicologists, was it necessary for the Saint to create such a raga when Kharaharapriya was one of his favourite ragas and he has composed almost a dozen krithis in it, most of which are too popular!
As mentioned above, the only available krithi in this raga is Sadguru’s “Chinna nade na”, in which, he describes his agony, caused in the absence of grace of the Lord. The lyrics:
cinna nADE nA ceyi baTTitivE
ennarAni UDigamu gaikoni yentO ninnu pAlanamu sEtunani
ITTivELa viDa nADudAmanO ElukondAmani EncinAvO teliya
guTTu brOvavE suguNa vArinidhi goppa daivamA tyAgarAjanuta
Meaning: “Have you not taken me, clasping my hand from my childhood and accepted with grace numerous services from me? You had assured me of your care and protection to the last. Now it looks as if you are in two minds, unable to decide if you should accept me or abandon me to my fate. Please help me to uphold my self-respect at least as a devotee of yours. Oh Ocean of virtues! Transcendent Lord!”