The next raga coming under Gayakapriya is ‘Kalakanthi’; a shadava-shadava janya, losing Panchamam in the arohanam and Madhyamam in the avarohanam as: Aroh: S R1 G3 M1 D1 N1 S; Avaroh: S N1 D1 P G3 R1 S
Another scale, is the gandharara - varja; this can be obtained from kanakangi, senavathi or Gayakapriya. Sangraha choodamani however puts it under Gayakapriya. Kalakanthi is traceable for the first time only in Sangraha choodamani or its predecessor in Telugu, Sangeetha sara sangrahamu of Tiruvenkata kavi who was also known as Akalanka. There are some other scales also found for this raga; but never seen in use: S R1 G3 M1 P N1 D1 N1 S // S N1 D1 M1 G3 R1 S S R1 M1 P D1 N1 S // S N1 D1 P G3 R1 S S R1 M1 P D1 N1 S // S N1 D1 P M1 R1 M1 G3 S S R1 M1 P D1 N1 S // S N1 D1 P M1 R1 S S R1 M1 P N1 D1 N1 S // S N1 D1 M1 G3 R1 S
Compositions: The only composition found in this raga is the Thyagaraja krithi, “Sri Janaka Thanye”. It is an eka kriti raga (Eka Raga Krithi), living through Thyagaraja's composition, set to Adi tala. (There is a composition of Maharaja Swathithirunal, “kalakanthI kathamkaram sakhi”, but it is in ragam Neelambari).
Pallavi shrI janaka tanayE shrta kamalAlayE anupallavi rAjannava maNi bhUSaNE shrI raghurAma sati satatam mAmava caraNam shata vadanadya shara jala dharAnilE nata mAnava mAnasa satsadanE shatamakha kirITala san-maNigaNa nirAjita caraNE tyAgarAjArcitE
In his composition, Saint Thyagaraja sings praises of Mother Seetha : “O Daughter of King janaka! O Mother abiding in the heart-Lotus of those dependent on You! O Mother wearing nine lustrous precious stone ornaments! O Consort of SrI raghu rAma! O Wind that dissipated the clouds called rAvaNa – hundred headed - and other demons! O Resident of sacred hearts of devotees! O Mother whose feet are irradiated by sparkling gem stone diadem of indra! O Mother worshipped by this tyAgarAja!”.